Providing information and support on the keeping, breeding and care of parrots in captivity and encouraging 'best practice' for all aspects of parrot aviculture. | Can we help? Tel: 07 3208 5610 Member login above. |
Supporting the conservation of Australia's Parrots. |
Goal: $10,000.00
Collected: $9,737.41
As a result of the success of the Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD) Program, the Parrot Society established a Benevolent Trust, called the Parrot Trust of Australia.
| We have now launched a way that you can donate directly to The Parrot Trust of Australia, through our website. Every donation can go a long way. Here’s a couple of the projects we’ve supported through The Parrot Trust of Australia:The Norfolk Island Green Parrot This gorgeous little green parrot has needed help to save it from extinction twice now! The introduction of other Australian native parrot species, feral predation, shooting by early settlers, and of course habitat loss have all resulted in the decline of the Norfolk Island Green Parrot. We are proud to have made a contribution to the efforts, including translocation to Phillip Island to protect one of Australia’s most endangered birds. The Golden-Shouldered Parrot One of the most colourful of our Australian Native parrot species, and one which is quite unique in its evolution and adaptation to living in the Northern parts of Queensland. The Parrot Trust of Australia has supplied feed directly to Artemis Station, which has directly supported the improvement of their population in that region. |